Is Your EHR Ready For The Future?
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We believe strong governance is the backbone of every organization’s digital healthcare strategy.
We know EHR Governance done right speeds up change and leads to a better human experience. Making your EHR work for you can and should be easier.
We provide a roadmap with tools to develop strong governance processes that are nimble and user-responsive. This is laid out in our HIMSS Series Book, EHR Governance – A Practical Guide to User Centric, Consensus Driven Optimization.
We offer customized consultation services for anyone wanting more help.
Meet The Expert

Hello, my name is Paula Scariati and I fell in love with medicine when I was a Rotary Exchange student in the Philippines. A doctor in my small town’s clinic allowed me to shadow him so I spent many days listening to hearts and lungs, evaluating blood and urine samples, and at times, I even scrubbed into surgery. This care transformed lives and won my heart. No surprise then, when I returned home, my future in public health was calling.
Working as an epidemiologist at the CDC taught me how analytics could impact healthcare at scale. I was later attracted by informatics and dreamt of ways big data could be harnessed to create an equitable digital infrastructure where every person had access to high-quality healthcare. Physicians would have cutting-edge practices at their fingertips to make caring for their most complex patients, easier.
Today that vision is still far away. While most providers use an EHR, many systems still burden doctors with low-value tasks and silo patient information beyond the boundaries of interoperability. In my experience solid EHR governance changes that. So when HIMSS offered me the opportunity to write a book on the subject, I jumped at the opportunity!
The Book
A roadmap that guides you step-by-step through establishing a new set of EHR Governance processes or refining your existing ones.

Required reading for every organization looking to make their IT governance more agile and user friendly. Vendors, take note – here’s the playbook on how to help your clients move forward after the go live is over.
Deploying an Electronic Health Record is simply the start of a multi-year journey of workflow optimization. No EHR survives contact with the end user, which is why post implementation optimization and governance are critical to value realization. In her book, EHR Governance, Dr. Scariati provides in-depth guidance on how health systems can work with thier great clinician communities to advance their EHR towards desired clinical workflows and preferred care pathways. The recommendations in this book not only improve the end-user experience, but also builds greater collaboration among the user-clinicians because they make the system thier own.
(The book) is refreshing in that it is grounded in reality,
provides data driven insights, and is anchored in why we do what we do – to improve patient experience and EHR user satisfaction. Who knew that “People, Process, and Technology” turns 60 next year – I think we should throw it a party!
There is a time-honored tradition of physicians being able to grab a colleague to float an idea or get an informal second opinion. That’s what this is – thirty minutes to speak doctor-to-doctor about a specific EHR Governance question or to vet an idea.
It’s free!
When was the last time someone was excited about EHR Governance? We are! We love to talk about our approach and why focusing on consensus-driven user experience is the secret sauce to improving your EHR.
Or maybe you want a workshop to align and inspire your guiding coalition?
We’re here to help!
Leading change that will grow your EHR governance structure is challenging work that requires commitment and consistency over a long period of time. Hiring a consultant skilled in change management and the development of strategic alliances may be exactly what you need to bring a fresh perspective.
Services & Resources
Curbside Consult
Lectures & Workshops
Formal Engagements
KLAS Arch Collaborative
Cultural Profile Tool